movement in mind ITM Alexander Technique Cardiff

What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique is concerned with how we think about how we move. Some people describe learning the technique as learning to think in activity.

FM Alexander earned his living as an orator but he kept on losing his voice. Medical specialists could find nothing wrong; all they could suggest was rest. He began to wonder if he could take a different approach to his hoarse voice and asked himself an important question.

Could it be something I am doing in the use of myself that is the cause of my difficulties?

With this question in mind Alexander began a journey of self-observation and analysis through which he evolved a technique that today we call the Alexander Technique. The joy of this technique is that anyone can learn it, you can read his work and start to think about the relationship between thinking and movement and how you use yourself in activity right NOW! What are you noticing already about how you are moving, using yourself, as you are reading this?

If you would like to explore how you move, joining a class or workshop could be for you.

Classes and workshops involve conversation, laughter, questions and gentle-touch hands on work, all focussed on exploring Alexander's discoveries and the thinking that we bring to activity. What I love about the technique it is that it is at once simple and yet multifaceted. I am still being quite thrilled by new discoveries in my lessons and in my teaching.

Come and discover for yourself how keeping movement in mind can lead to increased freedom and pleasure in everyday activities and performance.


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