movement in mind ITM Alexander Technique Cardiff

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Anna Brazier

Alexander Technique Teacher: Cardiff and South Wales. 


Discover more Freedom and Ease in Movement. Find out about the Alexander Technique at Workshops and Classes in Cardiff and the South Wales Area.

Do you take for granted how you do things? Learning the Alexander Technique offers you the opportunity to think about how you move.  During lessons people discover, often to their great surprise, that they can do all kinds of things more simply and more easily than they first imagined. We can all get comfortable with our familar and sometimes even uncomfortable ways of going about what we do, but what if thinking differently can bring us new and unexpected possibilities?  

Come and find out for yourself what it is like to explore this exciting work. 

Alexander Technique lessons focus on thinking in activity. Through this focus the technique allows you to explore how you approach everyday and not so everyday activiries.  For example, you might look at how you walk, sit or talk, or you might want to explore more specialist activities like running, playing an instrument, chairing a meeting, dancing or singing. A teacher will help you explore what you bring to your chosen activity by asking you questions and gentle use of their hands.

What would your life be like if you could do things more simply and more easily?

An introductory Alexander Technique Group Class starts with a short talk to introduce everyone to some of the key ideas.  This is followed by an opportunity to have a sitting lesson so that the ideas can be experienced personally and in action.  A lesson involves questions, conversation, gentle-touch use of hands and class discussion.  Follow up lessons always focus on activities of your choice. Recently I worked with a student on going up stairs, with another student we explored how to approach a work presentation, someone else had a concert coming up, she wanted to think about how she was standing before she began to sing.  There is no limit to the kind of activities that can be brought to a lesson. Exploring how you tackle challenges can bring a new perspective to problem solving and personal presentation in all areas of life.

I particularly like to teach the technique in small classes, the group format is energising and generates broad discussion. People really enjoy learning from each other by watching a series of lessons.


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